Re: Why I Hate Lunars

From: shannonwright_1966 <shwright17_at_...>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 03:46:15 -0000

  Most excellent observations in this one. Bravo !!

> Join the Lunars, rape the world.

 No, no wait. I got it
   " Join the Lunar Army. Go to far off places, see new and wonderous sights, meet new and exotic people, and then rape and pilliage them.

> Beginning to see a pattern here? Out Prax way, the Moon is a Great
> Spirit. I'm sure when they get to Kralorela, they'll explain that
the Moon is the Sky-Dragon's Arsehole or something.
> Now, I never could make much sense out of hooman religion. Some of
them talk about "souls" and some talk about "spirits" and whenever they try to sort it out they start fighting--gives me a headache. But whether they're right or not, at least they usually know what they believe, and they'll tell you. But those Lunars'll just tell you what you want to hear, every time.
> Know how to tell when a Lunar is lying?
> His lips are moving.

   Just like Politicians. ;-)

       Keep the excellent Uzko thoughts coming.


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