Re: New Pelorian

From: Benedict Adamson <yahoo_at_...>
Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 13:18:58 +0100

Peter Metcalfe wrote:


> [New Pelorian] is based on Old Pelorian, the language that was spoken during
> the Green Age, and revised and updated.

The Lunars would say 'improved', I think.

Some New Pelorian from 'A Rough Guide to Glamour':

Good: tending towards the benefit of the Empire (beware of pretty Lunars described as 'good in bed' ;-)
Plus-Good: beneficial to the Empire
Double-plus-good: actively furthering the aims of the Empire Ungood: rebellious or destructive to the Empire Unperson: there are no unpersons in the Empire Freedom: obedience to the Empire
Slavery: obedience to the Empire
Double-think: to hold two contradictory opinions, knowing both are equally true
Strategic: chaos (as in 'strategic defence initiative')

At this year's Convulsion, Nick and Simon pointed out that the phrase 'too permissive' can not be expressed in New Pelorian, and that chaos is called 'unlike-ways'.

As Sedenya is 'the mirror and the mask' and embraces contradictions, we can expect that the New Pelorian lexicon actively undermines distinctions, clarity and truth (see 'freedom' and 'slavery'), and corrodes the minds of its users in the way that Postmodernism seems to have destroyed the brains of some people in English Literature departments.

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