OT: Hey Druid & Online Journals

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 02:04:55 +1000

There's a new online Irish Studies magazine well worth a look at


Features available include a *very* good summary article on drui, druid and druidism, sorting the wheat from the new age, high Victorian and medieval chaff. (Alas, my heart-felt favourite loon Julian Cope is not mentioned by name :( ). The author makes an interesting point that in Irish myth it is the warrior - Cu Chulainn or Fionn - rather than the drui or priest or shaman per se who goes to the Otherworld. Very Heroquest. (Of course, Graham has been telling us all along that the Heortlings are Celts :) ).

There's also a nice article on chariots for the Ralians among you. Check out the complete contents listing.

And if this sort of stuff appeals, be sure to check out The Heroic Age:


The (not very) current issue has more about Beowulf than most of us would care to know. But again, it contains some useful reflections for the Heortling/Anglo-Saxon analogy.

"Goin' upwards at 45 degrees..."


nysalor_at_...                              John Hughes
Questlines: http://home.iprimus.com.au/pipnjim/questlines/

Poet is priest I`m beginning to boom!
- Julian Cope, Jehovahkill.

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