Re: Lunar heroquester and cyclical effects on magic

From: illuminate33 <inarsus-ferilt-z_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 02:53:15 -0000

> Lunar heroquester goes to GodsWar. Uh, what happens about the
> cyclical effects on their magic. Is the moon cyclic at this point?
> Does this not effect you? If you are taking on the role of your
> maybe not, but you might just be a follower, so...

I cannot confirmingly say anything without ILH. But AFAIK I read HW 1st. Lunar Initiates and Devotees go to the surface of their Moon in each rituals. Most of their gods are formerly mortal heroes and haven't any memory before Time.

(And Dara Happan gods are not Lunar gods.)

HW 1st mentioned only Dara Happan system and most of their society are not initiates to specific gods on the contary to heortlings. Only through communal worship. (Difference of Culture.)  

> I guess related is if I go back to the Darkness to a point where
> god is dead (I'm say a vingkotling huddled in my hill fort) do I
> no magic (like in Orlanth is Dead, because Orlanth is dead now or
> Ernalda is sleeping), because my god cannot be contacted. Is part
> what these sruvival stories are about:H ow we survived when we had
> magic from the gods, and how we got it back?

Heortlings sometimes represent their own gods role in Hero Plane. They are not worshipper of gods, they are gods.

Lunars can use far more experimental use of HQ for their own purpose. Like Valare Addi, (she tried to prove Rufelza = Dendara, but failed and was enlightened.)

But please don't let me go forward in HW mailing list.

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