Tribal Wyter

From: Jon <jonsmithers_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 13:30:34 -0000

This may have been covered elsewhere but I'm damned if I can find it ;-)

How does a tribal wyter interact with all the clan wyters? Who gives the tribal wyter support- the whole tribe enthusiatically, different clans with different enthusiasm, just the tribal kings household and warband?
Does it have similar functions to the clan wyters or more specifically suited to tribal functions?
Do its functins cover the whole of triba lands? If so how? coz I understand that the marking of tula boundaries is important here. Does each clan bring something to the wyter when it joins the clan? After all most tribes are fairly new with no long mythical history - or have I missed something there.

IMG I am planning a tribal wyter based on the following assumptions: 1 A daimone of the land is the wyter
2 There are some anti lokamaydon bits due to ancient history 3 Some anti-nomad stuff (its on the edge of Prax) 4 Friendly with the local river
5 A blessing based on a heroquest the tribal founder went on.

But this all sems a bit mixed up next to the "pure" stuff of a clan wytter.

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