Re: An Example of Tax Collecting Contractors

From: illuminate33 <inarsus-ferilt-z_at_...>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 12:06:59 -0000

I agree with your opinion about the route to the sea, but Dragonpass is dangerous place for occupation (dragons, Mr. Delecti, Ethilrist, Cragspider, etc,etc....) and many diehard rebels living there.

And you know well warfare costs dearly. I think it is too much to get little amount of luxury goods from overseas and distant lands like primitive world of Glorantha only for financial reason.

Though I admit the fact perhaps it might lower the cost of trading goods from Karse or Nochet rather than from Corflu or under the tax of other nations.

> I agree partially.
> However, did the Crusades fight for only their fifth? The Lunar
Empire will be
> not a monolith.

Recent Main Powers are Reaching Moon Temple Foundation and Assiday Family of Dara Happa. Please see "Orlanth is Dead!"

> And I want to add Sartarite racketeers to oppressors.

I think they are not good orlanthi or illuminated as Belvani of Sun County. Maybe Tarshites most zealously might want to kill Orlanth.


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