Re: Re: lagaan (was: cricket)

From: Gianfranco Geroldi <giangero_at_...>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 07:49:48 -0700 (PDT)

> > That's what the Sartarites play, but what do the
> local Lunar
> > officials play?
> Lunars/Solars: Polo

Yes, I would vote for a fouler version of Polo (too much modern and abstract as a Gloranthan game, IMO). Hit the adversaries directly or trip their horses using elaborate techniques and fine horsemanship. More quidditch than Polo, maybe ;-)

Also wrestling and nude athletics (a la roman-greek tradition).  

> Tarshites (who should actually predominate): As
> other Heortlings,
> except for the ones who want to pass as Dara
> Happans.

don't forget that Trashites love to bet: they spectacularize and merchandise that sport which other Orlanthi do for tradition. Armwrestling, marriage contests, duels, kite chasing etc.

> Also Tennis (medieval style, though) (also popular
> in Seshnela, at
> least among the upper classes)


And the good old shieldpush?


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