Re: Heroquests

From: kmnellist_at_...
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:15:07 EST


<< Would it not be easier (respectively) to do the well established and well
 known Aroka Heroquest, where Orlanth fights daga, gains the six winds  (including Gagarth found in Prax) and defeats Aroka, releasing Heler and  bringing rain and fertility to the land?>>

This is a good point and one that I had overlooked. I'm going to have to argue with some points but this is really just to state my ideas more clearly rather than suggesting that I'm right. My counter-argument is that the people of the valley change their methods of agriculture; their crops, their herd beasts, their methods, rather than, in effect, pray for rain. I would go along with them trynig it but they would discover that Heler is weak in Prax and that rain isn't the solution that they're looking for - it just washes the soil away in flash floods.

<< The Heroquest you propose is

 dangerously explorational. It would have to be done once a year, I imagine  and would be very dangerous with Gagarth and Daga being so potent in the  area, but safer than creating new Heroquest paths.>>

I like the danger. That is what makes it an episode. The players, expecting and prepared for Maran and Ty Kora Tek, meet a crazy water demon and whatever else. As far as Orlanth and Aroka being a repeated ritual, perhaps this is why it is not going to be a long term solution the clan might say: "Sure it might have worked for a year but we cannot keep doing this dangerous thing". Inefficient sacrifices for Rain are not the solution for long term farming in the valley.  

 <<Alternatively the players could do the normal Ernalda Feeds the Tribe, but  returns with somthing new, a magical hoe that creates irrigation ditches or  perhaps they come back with Soelinthur's Rudder (Drastic Prax page 98) from  Asrelia's Cavern. It would be a nice way to bring a potent magical artifact  into you game, and would create some interesting stories when the Praxians  try to steal back their Great Medicine Bundle.>>

This is what I wanted to get at. The point where the quest changes is when the Aldryami give them a new seed, one that hasn't been used before.

<< However I think no matter what they do they should struggle with Daga,
Gagarth, Molanni and Urox who plague them and try to undo their work>>

These are the gods that I should have thought of. I was thinking Wicked writher because he is dangerous waters, as opposed to the blessing serpents of Ronance. Floods vs. irrigation. I can see that dust storms could be equally damaging.

<<All the time the Orlanthi are becoming more native - Sheep are  replaced with Impala, Cattle with Bison, their houses change, their clothes  change, their crops and farming techniques begin to change.>>

This is exactly the end effect of the Heroes action that I am after.

<< By the time we look at the remains of their culture in 1621 they probably
don't look to much like the Orlanthi they were.>>

This is 787years in the future, who knows what might happen? Thanks for the ideas.


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