Re: Spending HP

From: Mike Dawson <mdawson_at_...>
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2002 17:21:53 -0000

> How many points do your characters have to spend on bumping?

It varies widely from scenario to scenario. When the Heroes have acted wisely, choosing their own course, prepared with ritual and blessings, then they often get through with only spending a couple points across several players. Sometimes they do this just to make complete Victories.

When the World does something to them they haven't planned for, or when they piss off something dangerous, we've had sessions where every single player spent every single point he had.

For example: the Rass Clan Protector Hero whose PLAYER has a soft spot for tricksters "saved" King Dickface, an "endangered" wild trickster & brought him into the Manor, bypassing the security. When the trickster proved intent on murder, the best fighter in bunch spent every point before losing, since the trickster's close combat was 10W2 vs his 13W. The Rass clan trickster then spent all but one point he had trying to delay/confound the wild trickster. Then....

In one of my favorite moments in the game, the clan trickster's player asked "Can I spend a HP to bump a roll the other way?" He wanted to FAIL his Speak Only Through Puppets flaw. I said sure, and the player rolled a natural fumble. The clan trickster shouted out for the aid of the ancestors, made his roll naturally and the wild trickster looked at the the manifesting spirits, felt the air grow cold and said "Gotta go!"

Now the first player has a "Hate Wild Tricksters" trait.

The same HP spending happened when the Heroes got over their heads dealing with their first vampire. Since I've made a Big Deal of how the heroes have almost never run into an NPC who has HP, it can be pretty tricky for me to keep the introduction of what's supposed to be a New Major Bad Guy from turning into the destruction of that same Baddie. My players aren't at all shy about spending HP when they think that failing to finish off something means more trouble later.

So, in summary, sometimes they spend no points, sometimes a couple, and sometimes they each spend 20.


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