Re: Humakti clans

From: Andrew Solovay <asolovay_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 13:38:55 -0800

morganconrad_at_... wrote:
> Sorry. Humakti *clans*, in the traditional Heortling sense, simply
> don't work at all.

This may be verging onto digest territory, but...

The idea of "Humakti clans" could, I submit, mean two different things:

  1. A clan where Humakti are significantly more prominent than *usual*, though still a minority. That is, a clan where Humakt is the chief war god, the weaponthanes tend to devote to Humakt, etc.--but while Humakt is much more important to the daily life of the *warrior* than in normal clans, he's still not all that important to the daily life of the Heortling-on-the-street.

2 (which could overlap with 1). A clan that has a very different *idea* of Humakt--a clan where Humakt is seen as more normal, more sane, more tied into the life of the Storm Tribe. These clans might have slightly (or very!) different myths, or they may put much more emphasis on the "sheathing" and less on the "severing". In these clans, Humakt might end up being a lot more like a Thunder Brother or an Elmal-style Loyal Thane, not the psycho we know and love--and such a Humakt *could* be the center of a clan's devotional life.

Whaddya think?

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