Re: Blackhorse numbers - clarification

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...> <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 10:40:27 -0000

Hi Mikko:

> I definitely didn't mean to raise the hackles of you all,

And hey your Glorantha may vary so you should do what you want. If you want the BHT to be a feudal nobility ruling over a serf class - makeit so. If you want to make them less heavy cavalry, make it so. However, I was under the impression you were inviting comments on the reasoning you were using, so I wanted to make you aware of some of the problems with the couched lance needs stirrups theory etc. You should have your own Black Horse Troop just the way you want them. YGMV. That said there are some interesting aspects to the discussion you raised (I found Martin's post on the canonicity of stirrups useful for example).

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