Re: What I've always wanted!

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 06:52:20 +0200 (EET)

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Peter Tracy wrote:

> Lets face it the discrepancies between maps make much more MGF (alierate
> that!). The mythic maps have great potential (if only I put that in the
> last sentance too!) for mischief.

Oh, indeed.

This is ofcourse a part of the general equation. Many people go on about the certain vagueness and subjectiveness of Glorantha being a strong point. I embrace vagueness as it applies to player and playercharacter knowledge, but the GM/Narrator should be able to know things definitely.

But indeed, maps. H�rnmaster has some really excellent maps, and what's best, there's maps as they actually apper on the world. Overly worked, poor on detail and with actual errors. But in addition to this one also needs maps of the world as it is, for GM use.

For this, I'm really happy about the Lunar map and the hopefully-soon-to-come Dragonpass Gazetteer.

But indeed. A resourse with even more maps online would be very welcome.


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