Satomi Hakken-Den

From: KentCave <kentcave_at_...>
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 00:15:55 +0700

It's a story about heroes and demons of medieval Japan.

A lord's daughter has been kidnapped by bandits/rebels, asking outrageous ransom in return. As the lord has not alternative, he puts out a contest. Whomever that can hands over the bandit leader head and rescue the princess will be taken as his son-in-law, hence becomes the next ruler.

A white wolf charges through the bandits camp, tearing right and left, creating chaos but finally successfully rescued the princess. Bearing the princess on his back, and holding a head on his jaw he reached the lord castle. Everyone were shocked beyond belief, and conspiracies began. A party commences and when the wolf lets his guard down, he was attacked, shot by archers.

Wounded and raging with revenge the white wolf retaliates and no living man can face him down. Finally the princess herself chastised her father and his retinues for being so cruel and without honour. Full of shame and cutting all ties, the princess decided to leave with her husband, the white wolf.

Months or even years passed by, the white wolf and the princess has been living peacefully in a cave on a serene mountain. One day, while serenading the moon and spending their time leisurely as usual, chaos erupts. The lord, having unable to let the shame of losing his only daughter to a beast, all these while been sounding for supports all over the world.

On that fateful day, all the warriors of the land charges through forest to reach the mountain. Rescuing a princess kidnapped by a beast and taking home a head as a trophy are their goal. Truth has been twisted, as it has always been.

The white wolf fought and fought with all his might; and as he is a magical creature and all his actions has been righteous since the beginning; none can prevail over his honourable self-defense dance. Then again, human has always been the cruelest creature on this earth. Soon one of them thought of an evil brilliant trick that always works against creatures with love and conscience.

They all shifted their attack to the cave, pretending to change target to the princess. Burning everything on sight to suffocate the two lovebirds in the cave and showering toothpicks of amber towards them. The white wolf; after fighting endlessly and now having to protect both; runs out of stamina. In his final sacrificial act, he shielded the princess from those arrows rain, mortally wounded as a result.

Seeing her chosen soulmate falls down in a pool of crimson blood, the princess could not bear to live anymore. Holding the white wolf tight, she spins around in a final dance of union. As the cruel humans never stop showering the white wolf with rain of arrows, the princess got pin-cushioned too in the process.

The wrongful deaths of two pure souls and the horrible acts condone by humanity has brought disaster to the world. The anger of gods has allowed demons to reins free above ground. Catastrophic armageddon has been prophesied in that instant. Silence reigns throughout the world, holding breath welcoming demons as lord of deserving humans.

Even on the brink of their death, the white wolf and the princess still loves humanity with their pure hearts. As their last wish; being supernatural creatures from their holy union; they combines their magical sanguine and it burst in eight directions.

The eight globes of lights will be humanity last hope against the coming of the demonic hordes.

Already the world quakes under demons wakening hunger. The most prominent of them all will be a Queen of Blood. A vampiress that absorbs sustenance from a pool feeds by countless everflowing virgins blood.

Over the years, eight sons and daughters of humanity will be born holding a glowing marble in their palms. Each globe will have a specific marking on them. Justice, Honour, Love, Revenge etc. They will grow up to become heroes, living forever in stories passed down through generations.

This.. is the story of 8 Ninja.

Hehe, did I or did I not got your interest there? Be reminded that all these flowery proses of mine only describe the beginning, its like 10% from the whole lenght of it. All 8 Ninja will grow up, some with fighting skills, some with unique musical talents, some with magical abilities etc.

The main character will be the Thief-Warrior. There will be a princess love-interest too, re-enacting their predecessor untimely love story. Of course in the end, there will be enigmatic battles of historic proportions.

Tragic and at the same time, believable romance fantasy tale. There will be a continuation of the story if more folks ask for it...

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