Re: Playing Trickster

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 12:45:38 +0100 (BST)

> Just one example would be the one whose tricks
> always bring disaster on his own head, and needs
> help from the other PCs simply in order to carry
> on breathing. Sure, he'd probably get more than
> his fair share of focus, but played sensitively this
> could enhance a game, not detract from it.

We managed something like this for a bit. One of my players was obviously going to be a Trickster type no matter what character he had, so as we were going through the "young adult" route anyway, I got him involuntary initiation to Trickster. Most of his gradual seduction from the Path of Good was done off-scene, by email or in lunchtimes, with feedback to the rest of the group when they tried to investigate the odd things that kept happening in the main sessions. When everything came crashing down on him, they realised roughly what had been going on, and ended up rescuing him from the rest of the clan and getting him permitted to carry on breathing under certain very strict conditions. (If they'd found out everything he'd been doing, I suspect they'd have helped with the lynching, but they didn't).

After that, I had an excuse to have them away from the clan a lot. But it was very hard work to run, and I'm not sure we could have kept it up for long. The player moved out of the area, and the PC became a (tied up) NPC.

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