RE: Intermediate Glorantha

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 15:39:34 -0800


>Right now given what the threads I've seen moved
>(or asked to be moved) over
>to GD if you want to play anything outside of
>Orlanthi from Tarsh,
>Heortland, or Sartar or some kinds of Lunar this
>list isn't for you.

I think this is an error of understanding. This list is not about WHERE you play HQ, it is about playing HeroQuest. HeroQuest character generation has initial characters from most of Genertela, and any of those places are suitable for this list. But this list is to talk about things that are not esoterica. While the exact definition of esoteric is up to Jeff, the moderator, I think that most people can get a clear idea of what is or is not esoteric. I think the rule ought to be, "Is this of interest to most players or narrators?" If it isn't, or if you aren't sure, then take it to the digest.

I'll say it again: I asked Jeff to start and oversee this list so that there would be a place for people -- especially new people -- to go with questions and discussions; to have a list that non-grognards would be able to participate in without discomfort.

High school or college level, this place is fine. But for non-Gloranthan material, rules variants, esoterica and stuff outside of the rules themselves, take it elsewhere, please!

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