Re: Invasion of Sartar 1591

From: jorganos <joe_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 09:20:18 -0000

>> Other than that, a
>> quick search of my sources yielded nothing. Unless you refer to an
>> old Digest article of mine:


>> which is highly speculative.

> I don't seem to pick up a reference in the text... too tired perhaps?

Basically: If Argrath was born in 1588, he would have been three in 1591, the year his father was reported slain by Lunars.

> What I'm thinking, is that the the whole idea of the 1591 abortive > invasion has been scrapped at some point.

The distinction between a great raid and a conquest is mostly the outcome, both are invasions. We know that Terasarin fought during most of his reign. It is fairly likely that Terasarin spoiled a couple of less powerful attempts at a conquest - if only of the formerly Tarshite lands of the Far Point. The Lunar magicians used in these conflicts probably were Tarshites, out of Moirades' and Fazzur's brother's school. Large scale imperial involvement is not hinted at in KoS.

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