Re: Sea spirits or sea gods?

From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 17:59:36 +0100

> As for the others, in the absence of definitive HQ

>>> information, I'd go back to RuneQuest and see what that said. Magasta,
>>> Triolina and Wachaza are all clearly gods back in RQ (i.e. they have
>>> no shamans in their cults).
>I suppose I'll then base Triolina on the Esrola Animal Mothers cults in
>Storm Tribe. It could have been more like Telmor or other animal

IMO her cult has rather more exciting spells (from a player hero POV) than Uralda does, so I wouldn't base it *too* closely on those :)

>>> The truth may be more complicated, but that's where I'd start.
>It is certainly more complicated (and Julian gives me more reason,
>elsewhere, to believe so), but I'm mostly interested in answers
>concerning specifically Ludoch of the Mirrorsea and not 'general truth',
>so wide as to be meaningless.
>I'll follow your advice and make'em use both animist or theist magics.
>Now, if anyone has ideas about affinities for Magasta or Wachaza...

My suggestions would be:
King of the Seas (mastery rune)
Currents (motion rune)
Sea (water rune)

Combat (death rune)
Sea (water rune)
Wrath (destruction rune, perhaps?)

The technique I use (which is technically off-topic for this list, so I'll keep it brief) when designing stop-gap cults that haven't yet been done in HQ/HW is to look back at the old RQ sources, figure out what their spirit and divine spells would be as HQ feats (or equivalent), then group them together into themes. If I can get the set of runes to look the same as the ones they had before, so much the better.


>With the imminent arrival of HQ there is another option of sorts
>added, that most belong to a "common religion", and may use some mix
>of various magics.

True, but that's unlikely to be the case for most player heroes, as I understand it. I gather that, in most cases, what you can do with common religion is somewhat limited. It allows the Seshnegi peasants to do magic without learning proper sorcery, and the Dara Happan peasants to do stuff without initiating, but I doubt there are many cultures who use it as their 'heroic' default, if you see what I mean. But I could be wrong :)

>Can you have magic of this sort [sorcery] without written instructions?

I believe so, yes. One of the cults for Sorcerer Knights used non-written sorcery, and I have another such cult coming up in a future issue of Tradetalk. It isn't common (among humans, at least) but, IMO, it is doable. This should not be taken as an official answer, though!

Gamer and Skeptic

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