Re: Glorantha for Children

From: Pete Darby <pete_darby_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 11:29:42 -0000

Well, I'm still chuffed that I managed to get a (very short) rpg session going with my 4-year old while I was getting ready to go to the local rpg society meeting.

He's been curious about Daddy's let's pretend books for a while, so I took a break form getting my HQ stuff together, and went for it for about 15 minutes worth of He-Man vs Skeletor, no stats, 1d6 each.

He needed a little prompting for what he could do, but he pretty much grokked the essentials immediately.

And now whenever he sees me with the HQ book, he announces "I know how to play that! Can I play NOW!!"

The campaign should be starting next Tuesday. I wasn't thinking about including Alex, but if it's round my house I may not have a choice...

Since he spends an awful lot of time roaring at his sisteer for no good reason, I'm thinking "Uroxi?" But maybe a Tarsh exile, given his fondness for roaring at people while claiming to be a dinosaur.

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