Re: Geos

From: pedrodevaca <pavis_gm_at_...>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 23:20:44 -0000

Thanks for the info all,

I had been procrastinating on buying the cult compendium. I thought I already had all of the cult writeups that were republished in that book. alas, i was mistaken. good to know.

> Actually, he is not the god of hospitality. That is Orlanth.
> Geo is a hero cult that is dedicated to taking care of homeless and
refugee Sartarites.
> They are pledged to take in any Sartarite in actual need.
> No. The obligation of joining the cult is to later conribute
whatever you can to the support of other needy people. If the cult representative shows up and asks for contributions, you have to contribute what you can or else the Bounder shows up to collect more than you can afford.
> The "inns" angle is not an accurate image. It is more like a joke
or a pun. Thus the names, "Come on Inn," the "Hidden Inn" and so on. It´s not really a commercial establishment.

Ok, this puts a different spin on it then I had in my mind's eye. So, in many respects the Geo 'inns' act more as shelters, and in the cities they would serve a similar function as the Teelo Norri outfits.

So, something like the Geo's in New Pavis is going to be occasionally overwhelmed with folk who need help. They were bombarded in 1613 as folk came out west fleeing the aftermath of the rebellion. Folk sleeping on top of each in the common room for weeks on end.

So then, I would assume occasionally less savory folk of Sartarite stock may take advantage of Geos -- free food and bed. Looking at New Pavis again, (which is my campaign focus; easily discerned from my email address -- my players aren't known for their exceptional memories) Geos would be easily taken advantage of by the local street punks and urchins, many of whom around Oldtown are Sartarite in ancestry if not birth.

anywho, thanks for the info

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