Re: Humakti Devotion

From: John Hughes <john.hughes_at_...>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 11:31:05 +1100

>Tim wonders:

>What is the status of a Humakti
>initiand who kills before completing the severance (and mythologically
>speaking, Humakt did)? Could a murderer join Humakt as a way to avoid
>the (social/legal) consequences of their crime?

This has come up before on this list. I personally don't think there is a hard and fast rule: Orlanthi (in the widest sense) being situational ethicists supreme.

Could someone not 'chosen' cope with life as humakti, and would it be any better than lesser or even greater outlawry? Cult of Humakt= outlawry (social dislocation) PLUS lots of weird death stuff PLUS hanging around with sexless poo-faced losers. And for the humakti cult leader (who must deal with the surrounding clans/city rings on behalf of his cult), wouldn't such 'minimaxing' go against his humakti sense of honour? And for honour's sake (not to mention harmony with the surrounding clans), a humakti leader is quite capable of ordering any murderer, indeed any cultist who is causing to much trouble, to fall on his sword. Living with death is always gonna be a bit of a bummer. Save vs death or die - roll less than zero on 1d100.

I'm sure Humakt has a special place in the underworld for murders who join his cult for dishonourable reasons. What sort of place do you think it would be? :) I think its a fairly safe bet it wouldn't be Butlins.




John Hughes
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research Australian National University
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