Re: Esrolian conflict

From: jessedn_at_...
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 19:31:22 -0000

Hmmmm....... this is all pretty interesting stuff.

I have a player who is playing a Dara Happan Petty Noble who was a former leader of a calvary unit in the Imperial army. He has come to Esrolia in order to help pave the way for Lunar Empire's annexation of Esrolia (while trying to avoid the messiness of an actual invasion. Peaceful annexation would conserve the Empire's resources quite a bit better). His real goal is the acquisition of personal power and I was going to use that as a path of temptation for one of the Esrolian Queens (a member of the Warm Earth faction) to use to get him to become a double agent. Originally I was going to have him, after he proved suitable loyalty (assuming he chose to be a double agent in the first place of course), help train a more procifient fighting force. However, it seems that that wouldn't really be a strategy that the Esrolian's would be able to support.

Do you have any reccomendations on a more suitable avenue for something they could have a noble with military training to do? Would they have any use for him at all?

Jesse D.

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