Re: Uz society

From: simon_hibbs2 <simon.hibbs_at_...>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 12:20:22 -0000

gerakkag wrote (a few days ago):

> To be a troll, ya gotta have KL in charge. This doesn't mean that
> can't have a clan that, say, *looks* like trolls, *acts* like
> are *like* trolls, but KL isn't on top. They're not trolls by
> *definition* (to be a troll = KL is da mama). All trolls tell you
> they're not trolls. But at some point, ya gotta ask: if it walks
> a duck...*

Why would they be indistinguishable from Trolls if they're not trolls? Are there things that look like Aldryami, but aren't? I suppose if you want copycat creatures that aren't the real thing for some reason in your Glorantha that's fine, and discovering the reason might make a fun game. If they're not trolls and troll magic doesn't work for them and anti-troll magic doesn't work against them then someone will soon realise they're not Trolls..

Well the Muri of Pamaltela lost their connection to Kyger Litor and they didn't become human, they just became 'something else'. The Midget Slashers lost their connection to the Man Rune and they're nolonger trolls either. I believe there are other examples of devolved trolls in Trollpak. I think the theoretical principle that elder race beings that lose their other runic connections and only have the Man rune left will become human is only a very technical proposition. In practice it would be almost impossible for it to actualy happen that way.

Aldryami and Mostali are different from trolls because they are relatively at home in the middle world. The trolls are creatures of hell, and the surface world is an alien realm for them in a way it isn't for Mostali, and particularly Aldryami. Trolls have huge problems even surviving in the surface world at the best of times - imagine what it would be like for living human beings to survive and establish a stable society and culture in the underworld!

Simon Hibbs

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