Questions for a new game

From: steve_at_...
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 09:57:51 +1300

Hi all,

First session of a new game, and the players are getting into it more than I expected. Of course, they ask questions I don't know the answers to... Is there a more appropriate place to ask these questions?

When an Ernaldan swaps from sub-cult to sub-cult over the course of their life, do they lose the affinities and/or feats that they might have from the earlier sub-cult? If they became for instance an "Enferalda the Supporter" devotee, and then get married and have children, could they move to becoming a "Mahome the Hearth Goddess" devotee? or is that sort of thing only available to initiates? If they do, then do they lose their incompatible affinities?

I have a humakti who wants to use two swords (because it's cool) - from SCA experience, I figure it's probably more effective than just one sword, but less effective than sword and shield. Are there any rules about that?

Do re-sheathed humakti have normal "relationships" with their clan? or do they continue to have no relationship? I'm guessing they have some sort of relationship, although I wouldn't be surprised if it were lower than normal.

One of the players wanted the "knife that cuts anything" and I was happy to let him have it; afterwards I thought about it a bit, and asked myself - could you use such a thing to sever relationships? Why does the Orlanthi Hunter have this instead of the Humakti? Will the Humakti get jealous....

Oh, and I'm having difficulty getting my head around the archery "contest" - does anyone have any hints?



Stephen Rennell 	steve_at_... 
Wellington, New Zealand 
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