Re: Siege of Whitewall

From: jeffrichard68 <richj_at_...>
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 02:37:15 -0000

> In message <c21s6c+uehk_at_e...> "jorganos" writes:
> >Lunar field engineers build up counter ditches, prepare the great
> >magical ramp, mount missile throwers... Famine somehow never
> >the city in a serious way. With all those Lunar-friendly Volsaxi
> >tribes nearby, I keep wondering how and why. Nightjumpers with
food bags?

I don't think the Lunar plan was ever to starve the Orlanthi out - both in 1619 and 1621, the plan is to assault the city with overwhelming force. Presumably between 1619 and 1621, there were enough soldiers in the vicinity to keep the Volsaxi from being able to march out of the city in force and cut the supply lines to Heortland. I don't think that they encircled Whitewall - they probably just kept a large Lunar camp in the field. I doubt that between assaults there was more than two or three regiments near Whitewall - why bother?


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