Re: Greetings and Felicitations

From: Mike Demetro <punkabilly_at_...>
Date: Tue, 4 May 2004 20:10:22 -0400

> I have tried to come up with Lunar stuff but find that I am stuck with the
Orlanthi mind set.
> The English obsession with the under-dog I am afraid.
> The Ancient Britons against the Romans or the Anglo-Saxons against the

We Canadians too.

I get the feeling Americans go for the individual when they are the individual but like the bigass powerful guys a lot. They can speak for themselves.

Here in Canada we like the little guy. I sometimes wonder if that isn't connected to Canadian and especially British writers maiming our heroes or even having not so happy endings vs. Americans liking cheery fare with happy endings.

Do we like the little guy but then get down about his chances?

Mike Demetro, Owner, The Guildhall Press, Canada guildhallpress_at_... punkabilly_at_...

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