Great Game

From: kmnellist_at_...
Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 01:35:27 EDT

In a message dated 06/05/04 00:25:36 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

Since I've been reading Hopkirk recently, I'm just sorry that there isn't
>another empire actively going after Sartar, so that we could have Great Game
>scenarios of foiling the [Other Empire]' spies and advance scouts, while
>trying to win the hearts (hah!) and minds (double hah!) of the Sartarites.

You could set before 1600 when the Holy Country was still in existence.

--Peter Metcalfe

Or in the Imperial Age with Middle Sea Empire, Third Council and Kingdom of Night all trying to avoid the zistorite menace, civilised Caladraland, avoid Waha, and ignore that crackpot Pavis.

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