Re: Gloranthan West

From: Guy Hoyle <ghoyle1_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 19:03:17 -0500

Here's something Sandy once sent out to our gaming group about Jonatela and Loskalm, since we have some PCs from that area.

Guy (Hoyle)

The Loskalmi are the middle ages seen as the Good Old Days, with kindly eccentric old wizards dressed in white robes, brave handsome knights in shiny silver armor, and benign kings wisely ruling from their thrones. Beautiful white palace spires gleam against the sky. Happy clean-limbed peasants sing as they work and stand up to cheer their lord as he rides past waving merrily and throwing out gold coins. Princesses are always beautiful and are as likely to wed a noble farm boy as as a handsome prince. Wicked dragons always get slain by true-hearted knights errant - or even get tamed and run the village mill. It's a land of fairy tales & Camelot ...

The Jonatings are the flip side. Brutal knights with scarred faces and dark, spiky armor oppress the peasantry, working for cruel tyrants wearing iron crowns. Every dark and sinister castle has a torture chamber, plus at least one insane sorcerer in black or red robes helping his foul king on to new infamies. The peasants labor under burdensome taxes and harsh religious strictures. They hide their children when the king's men ride by, seeking to steal buxom wenches and youths for the king's loathsome depravities. Beautiful princesses are locked in lonely towers by evil witches. Dragons feast on the blood of the innocent, and nothing is done. Darkness, despair, blood, and barbarism are the way of the world. This, too, is a land of fairy tales, but they are not the kind with a happy ending ...

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