Re: Re: Garrath the Argrath

From: donald_at_...
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 18:52:36 GMT

In message <c9krmq+rbf3_at_...> "Rob" writes:

>But us guys coming back to Glorantha and trying to run Sartar Rising
>games need help with trying to organise the coming few years in to
>some kind of coherent plot. One of the biggies for me is the
>Sharpsword thread, and how he fits in, or more precisely how I can
>weave him into my story arc.

It's a question of balance, if all the main characters are written up as NPCs with all their actions detailed it becomes difficult for a narrator to fit their campaign into the story arc. Especially when the whole story arc is going to be written and published over a number of years. The "many Argraths" idea does this very nicely, as long as someone called Argrath is there to become King at the right time your Glorantha hasn't varied much from canon. If you want Sharpsword to be the one then you can do so, equally he could just be someone who didn't get the breaks and someone else (such as a PC) beats him to it - YGWV.

Donald Oddy

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