RE: Re: Garrath the Argrath

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 00:46:29 +0100

> In one of the books, I think it was Barbarian Adventures, there was a
> bit talking about the multiple Argraths, and how you would have to
> choose who was the Argrath in your game.

Orlanth is Dead, p11

It lists all the (probably) different individuals, and gives an idea of how they differ in style.

To find out more detail about each one, you'll need to read KoS, I'm afraid (or, presumably, the rest of the story arc when it comes out).

Or, choose the one you're interested in, and ask those of us who've already spent years picking KoS to bits for the gorey details :)

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