Re: Garrath the Argrath

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2004 02:11:37 -0000

> And on page 39 we learn that one of the Argraths, Kallyr, has the
> Initiate of Rigsdal keyword at 4W2 (44), which would take 27 years
> Advanced Experience, but she is not in her early forties. So, no,
> can't actually BECOME any of the Argraths using the rules, because
> can not use the rules to develop from a normal starting character
> an Argrath-like character; your character will always be a second-
> compared to NPCs like Kallyr.

Not quite. NPCs have shorthand to describe keywords. Its a heck of a lot easier to write Kallyr, Kickass Queen of Vinganess 10w3 than write out EVERY ablity she has. Have pity on us folks who have to actually write these adventures.

And, to be honest, there are ways to boost one's keywords or abilities rapidly. They're called heroquests. Kallyr's pretty good in that department - and very, very focused. And, considering that Kallyr has probably been knocking boots with Rigsdal... well... that probably helps too.


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