Keyword shorthand

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2004 17:38:39 -0000

> Not quite. NPCs have shorthand to describe keywords. Its a heck
of a
> lot easier to write Kallyr, Kickass Queen of Vinganess 10w3 than
> write out EVERY ablity she has. Have pity on us folks who have to
> actually write these adventures.

It occurs to me that writing your favorite PC as NPC shorthand would probably be an interesting exercise.

Assume first that they're going to be opposition for the PCs, using their best skill.

Then redo it on the assumption that the PCs are trying to persuade them to be allies. I bet you get different skills listed each way.

Now try again, on the assumption that your PC is about to be someone else's sidekick (yes, after HP have been spent to improve them).

And once we've done all that, these NPC stats might make a lot more sense to us.

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