RE: Re: Issaries cult

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 14:25:10 -0400

Yeah, as fun as this idea is, it doesn't seem to work out.

I doubt Kallyr trusts him that much. (He's conflicted, she MUST pick up on that.)

And I am setting things earlier. In fact, looking at the WhiteWall Wiki, it looks like Karse gets overrun in Illusion Week/Sea Season/1619. Early Dark Season, the Crimson Bat heads on its way. Kallyr arrives in Whitewall just before that. There is some talk on that Wiki of whether or not the Bat is summoned by the defenders.

So... they need lots of special items prepping for the big BatBlat, no?


On 30 Jun 2004 at 7:28, Jane Williams wrote:

> Then I suspect this won't come into it. For him to get even a hint that
> Kallyr's going to try an LBQ, he'd have to be *completely* trusted by the
> Rebellion. Also, she doesn't do it till Iceland, and I believe you were
> setting things earlier?
> Save it till later in the campaign. When he's had the chance to develop his
> PC a bit to the level that he might even get to go along. It doesn't even
> have to be Iceland, there's the SLBQ once she's on the throne to give him a
> shot at, too.

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