RE: Re: Issaries cult

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 19:55:10 +0100

> Yeah, as fun as this idea is, it doesn't seem to work out.
> I doubt Kallyr trusts him that much. (He's conflicted, she
> MUST pick up on that.)

Not in 1618, no. But later? Why not? See how it works out.

> Early Dark Season (1619), the Crimson Bat heads on its way.
> There is some talk on that
> Wiki of whether or not the Bat is summoned by the defenders.

If so, it was more or less by accident. "Our Summons of Evil produced WHAT????" And the whole idea is not canon (fun, though).

> So... they need lots of special items prepping for the big
> BatBlat, no?

And they don't get much notice. "What's that flapping in the distance?" Good job it flies slowly.

But magical items for other purposes, yes. Lots of them. Attack, defence, anything you can come up with.

Immediately post-Bat-blat, if you can find a good cure for being mind-blasted, that would go down *very* well.

Later on, finding means of getting non-combatants out of the place sounds like an Issaries job to me - and guess who's in charge of it?

> Kallyr arrives in Whitewall just before that.

She's been using Whitewall and Broyan as a base since 1613, on and off. If your PC wants to find her, that's the obvious place to look or leave a message. Don't expect rapid response. She doesn't pick up her post all that often.

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