Re: Who is Finovan?

From: jeffrichard68 <richj_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 16:24:54 -0000

> If the example of Vinga means what I think it does, Finovan could
even be an
> historic figure--i.e. a raider who was so skilled and famous that
he was a
> worshipped hero, and eventually developed a mythos which
identified him as a
> son of Orlanth. (e.g. Every time he enacted an impressive
heroquest, the
> heroquest's source myth could end up identified with *him*. He was
> the "Orlanth Raids the Emperor's Herds" myth in a heroquest, but a
> years later, people know it as the "*Finovan* raids the Emperor's
> myth.)

Could be. Or he was a son of Orlanth that did all the above. We will never know.

> Since (as I understand it) all the magic in a god's pantheon comes
> ultimately from the Great God, I suppose there really isn't much
> between a "son of Orlanth" cult and an "aspect of Orlanth" cult,
or even a
> "hero mistaken for a son of Orlanth" cult. Ultimately, it all
comes from
> Orlanth.

Exactly. Not really worth splitting hairs about.


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