Re: Flying fighters?

From: Stephen Rennell <steve_at_...>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 21:50:27 +1200

On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 20:23, Jane Williams wrote:
> My immediate use for a flyer would be to stay out of melee range and
> shoot from above. But the physical abilities suggest they're using melee
> weapons, swords in particular.

I'd probably expect that most of the "fight while flying" stuff is when encountering other flying opponents.

> How does one deliver a heavy blow while flying, without being able to
> brace oneself against the ground? They can't hover. So all combat is
> "on the move", hit your opponent in passing. Maybe the speed of travel
> is what puts weight behind the blow?
> I'd guess that position is prone rather than upright, as otherwise
> you're asking to have your legs chopped off.

I think the Vanganth description suggests that the flyer is actually riding on a wind beast made from their breath, either a Ram, hawk or alynx. I think then that they look like they're riding, which of course means that their legs are indeed hanging down.

The only flyers that have appeared in my game are some of the weapon thanes in a battle between two orlanthi clans, (mostly they were preserving advantage for the ones on the ground, ) and a pair who flew around throwing javelins at the bad guys when they made passes.

HTH Stephen

Stephen Rennell		steve_at_...
Wellington, New Zealand
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