Re: Flying fighters?

From: jons_h <jons_h_at_...>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 13:04:48 -0000

A point usefull in flying is that you can easily stay out of range from bows, and have your ennemi in range.

As well as flying over an ennemi unit while beeing 4 to hold some waspnest, and throw them in the middle of the unit. It won't kill, but disorganize for sure, and then coordinate that with a ground attack and you earn some more kill than the adversary.

on long term, flying unit can even demoralize a far bigger troop, killings, dead rotten corpse falling from sky, waspattack (a funny idea i found),...

so i think flying unit is a great advantage if the opponent is not flying.

In addition a flying charge is probably much harder to receive, as the mount is invisible.

just some thought that occured to me.

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