Re: Tattooing.

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 08:52:53 -0000

Ah, I'd originally read this as being the other way round - ie do the Heortlings make tattoos in the mundane way *as well as* getting them while on Heroquests. I see no reason to think that you can't gain tattoos, or tattoo-like markings on heroquests, and, even if it doesn't happen as a standard effect of the quest, there is no reason why it *shouldn't* happen. (OK so there's the "You can't bring anything back from the other side" argument, but I think that if you are making changes to (a part of) yourself, that is possible - eg your hair could turn white/drop out, or you could bring back physical evidence of wounds received, so why not tattoos?)

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