Re: Halloween Horror with HQ

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 12:56:32 -0000

...Well there's Neil Smith's "Attack of the Wolfmen" scenario, providing the players don't recognise the source too early

...And don't forget Jack O'Bears for that halloween ambiance

...Or Krashtkids in a tunnel complex for that "Alien" vibe

...You don't necessarily even need "traditonal" horror bad guys if you want to build up tension - a journey through hostile Elf or Troll territory could prove quite traumatic, with ambushes and stragglers picked off silently.

...A secret murder in the clans lands, threatening to strike at the pc's friends and family (maybe one of them is accused?) As the investigation continues the murderer strikes again in a suitably gruesome manner. Lots of opportunity for "serial killer/slasher" type motifs and red herrings

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