Re: Uz and the Blue Moon

From: Nick Brooke <Nick_at_...>
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 07:21:36 -0000

This came up four years ago: here are a couple of the responses.

Message: 3
   Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 15:39:23 EST
   From: kmnellist_at_...
Subject: Re: Blue Moon

A player wants his character to be a Blue Moon cultist. I have made up a brief magic keyword and the following affinities and feats:

>Secrecy (Secret Truths, Obscure Fact, Conceal Truth, Conceal Self)
>Otherworld (Identify Runic Power, Bash Spirit, Defend Against Magic)
>Movement (Blue Streak, Move Unseen, Invisible Path)

I wanted to see if there was any opinion on these, the Otherworld ones are nicked from Lunar cults. After I gave him this list it occured to me that it should have "Command Selene Daimon" but I think this might be used to "Command" other Canadian singers with only a small improv modifier. Is Celine Dion aware of her Lunar Elemental status?

I also need a good idea for a cult secret - a cult secret for a cult whose main objective is secrecy. So far I am able to claim that no one knows what the secret is.

Keith N

Message: 6
   Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 11:20:40 +1300
   From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Subject: Re: Blue Moon

At 15:39 5/12/00 -0500, you wrote:

> >Secrecy (Secret Truths, Obscure Fact, Conceal Truth, Conceal Self)
> >Otherworld (Identify Runic Power, Bash Spirit, Defend Against Magic)
> >Movement (Blue Streak, Move Unseen, Invisible Path)

Summary of my posting on a similar question on the Glorantha Digest (although I was adapting in part from Jeff Erwin's writeup). Feel free to adapt, warp, mutate or polymorph in any way you see fit.

Mystify (Leave no footprint, Erase Memory, Alter Writings, Lurk Unseen, Hide Item)

Tides (Mesmerize, Command Tides, Levitate, Ebb Vitality, Refreshing Surge)

Blue Doom (Sap Life, Summon Selene, Bolt out of the Blue, Shocking Revelation, Frigid Glare).

Flotsam of Secrets: Character learns a secret. The type of secret learned is dependant on what he trawls it from. If he uses it generally, then a random secret is known. If he uses it against a person, then a secret about that person becomes known. If he uses it on Annilla, then he receives a vision of what she wants done. None of these secrets need make any sense.

Whenever an assassin dies, his colleagues systematically eradicate any evidence or memories of the deceased. By making his existence a forgotten secret, the soul becomes one of Annilla's hordes of lost, forgotten and unknowable secrets.

>I wanted to see if there was any opinion on these, the Otherworld ones
>are nicked from Lunar cults.

And inappropriate IMO for the cult has nothing to assassinate with.

--Peter Metcalfe

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