Tribal culture

From: John Galloway <yuskim1_at_...>
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2005 03:21:26 -0000

I) Given that the Lunars have outlawed worshipping Orlanth (and, presumably, his sub-cults and hero-cults) have many Sartarites continue to worship him in secret? How feasible is this? If the ban is permanent which of the following will see a significant gain in 'market share'?

II) The Torkani tribe is described* as being 'Darkness-worshipping' while the people in or around Far Point are 'Sun-worshippers'. What is meant by each term? Is it something a simple as replacing Elmal with Argan Argar and Yelmalio respectively or is there more to it than that?
(* Dragon Pass: A Gazatteer of Kerofinela, page 38 'Lizardwood Wilds')

III) Is there any canonical works describing Telmori or Poljoni society? I never know how to portray them but they're hard to avoid once the action starts to head into Eastern Satar.


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