Re: Re: Other Chieftain Gods

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 11:35:34 +1100

>>Does the detail here actually affect a game? We had a (albeit
>>temporary leader of Whitewall) and although the political set up
>>there I decided on was not ring based per se, you can in game gloss
>>over the lack of feats or whatever can't you? If a player who
>>controls an Issaries character gets voted Chief FREX then why not?
>>as the in game politics are bound to be the focus of play rather
>>than what magic they have. YGWV, MGF and all that.

I agree entirely here. A chieftainship is first and foremost a political and leadership position. A chieftain becomes a chieftain because the clan (or a majority of the moot) have trust in his or her judgement and leadership. Cultic skills are useful, but hardly necessary, especially to the exclusion of other considerations.

Despite all the fancy feats and magical support that Dar can give you, Sartar doesn't seem to have a shortage of ill-advised, impulsive, air-headed or merely incompetent chieftains.

A potential chieftain will have a strong political base: the support of one or more bloodlines. S(he) will have won the support of the moot, at least temporarily. Implicit in this is the support of the Womens' Circle and at least some of the Ring.

Heortlings are ritual bricoleurs, they can make a chieftain out of the ritual equivalent of a piece of string and two paper clips. Ernalda or one of her consanquines has chosen just about *anyone* as husband/protector at one time or another. Myths are versatile, and pliable, and there's a tremendous store of them that can be dragged out or 'remembered' to fit the occasion.

I personally think that non-Dar chieftains get elected all the time. Too rigid an interpretation of the rule guidelines can lead to situations of creeping hereditary chieftainism, which, while a problem and a de facto reality in some clans, is certainly **not** what the Heortlings are about.

The blessing and gifts of Orlanth the leader can be conveyed in many ways, inside or outside of a particular cultic structure. And a large and loud bloodline plus one or two senior Ernaldans on your side is certainly one of them. :).

YG... well you know.



nysalor_at_...                                John Hughes

May God us keep
>From Single vision and Newton's sleep!

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