RE: Re: Obtaining a weapon through Heroquesting, part II

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 23:30:03 +0200 (EET)

On Thu, 17 Mar 2005, Jane Williams wrote:

> HQ p 274, sample resistances.
> Clan god: 10W3
> Small city god: 10W4
> Petty god: 10W4
> Minor god: 10W6
> God: 10W8
> Great God: 10W8 to 10W12

The specific numbers I was quouting were from HQ too. Theism chapter p 114, Deity Ranks:

"The smallest worshipped gods are called _demigods, petty gods, godlets, or godlings. If confronted in the God World their greatest power is usually about 10w3 to 10w5..."

That's where I was getting my numbers for a quest to obtain the actual godling for your weapon from.

> It sounds as if there's some significant distinction between HeroPlane
> and God Plane that isn't based on numbers, and that I at least am
> missing?

Indeed. I seem to recall that the paths on God plane are especially inflexible, and any deviation tend's to land you in the Hero Planes. But, and this is a big but, it also seems to be possible to change the God Plane, so the above can't be absolutely true all the time.


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