Re: Fan Policy

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 12:43:59 +0000 (GMT)

> Issaries
> receives the right to use any names, places and
> concepts, but Issaries cannot use the whole, or
> substantially the whole work, without your
> agreement,

That was how I understood it, too. And it seems fair, reasonable, and in line with normal practise.

> I wonder
> where the copyright for much of the stuff published
> in Tales, Tradetalk and on websites lies? Much of
> this is now Gloranthan canon and published in
> Issaries books.

FWIW, anything I've had published in fanzines, I've retained copyright (or we as a a group of authors have). I can't remember the exact clause, but I believe the fanzine could do as many reprints as they felt like without permission, or something. Payment was a free copy of the mag in question (this was a large part of the reason I was doing the writing!)

Again, fair and reasonable.

AFAIK none of my exact wording ever made it into any Issaries publication - concepts, yes, but not wording. So I can't comment on copyright. But they've always been if anything overgenerous about credit and "contributors copies".

Jane Williams

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