Re: Re: Telmori of Sartar to appear in my game

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 09:07:51 +1200

Rob wrote:

>I generally have the Telmori as having a fairly stone age type culture
>although they do have access to metal via their neighbours although
>they don't work it themselves. Would that be correct as far as
>portraying the Telmori?

It depends which Telmori you are talking about. The Ralians, the Dorastrans or the Sartarites,

> How does one reconcile that with the
>more 'civilised' Telmori who act as Tmertains bodyguard?

They don't have any need for metal weapons.

>Do they get locked up on Wildday?


--Peter Metcalfe

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