RE: Orlanth cares

From: Richard, Jeff <jeff.richard_at_...>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 16:06:41 -0800

Hi there -

>>"Some people discussing this have confused political action with

>>action. Orlanth only cares about who you woship, not who you

>Surely he at least cares if you attack kin, right? Assuming so, how
far does

>"kin" extend? I mean, I could see considering my fellow

>Sartarite to be "kin", in a sense, at least compared to some
invading Lunar,

>in which case wouldn't Orlanth care if you're a Lunar sympathizer?

That's just not how they view the world - your fellow "Sartarites" are not "kin" simply because they are Sartarite. The Heortlings have two basic types of legally recognized relationships - those that you belong to by birth or marriage (kin relationships), and those you chose (oaths,

agreements, friendships, etc.).  Orlanth, as the protector-god of the
Heortlings, gave/recognized these legal arrangements in order to provide
protection, justice, support, etc., in a dangerous world.  

A member of the Varmandi clan is "kin" with regards to other Varmandi. He or she may also be kin to members of another clan depending on marriages. That's about it for kinship relations. A member of the Varmandi clan is politically a member of the Colymar tribe, but the Ernaldori are not "kin". The Varmandi can raid the Ernaldori without angering Orlanth - unless the individual Varmandi raiders gave their word (by Orlanth) that they wouldn't raid the Ernaldori. Such a raid might bring down the wrath of the tribal king - then again, maybe it wouldn't.

However, if a member of the Varmandi clan kills another member of the Varmandi - bad things happen.

It does not bring upon divine retribution to ally with foreigners against other clans or tribes. Trolls, Praxians, Lunars, Malkioni, Dwarves, Elves, you name it - if a deal can be arranged where some of these foreigners will help fight the hated [fill in the blank name of clan or tribe], then so much the better. Of course, it is easier to find another group of Heortlings to ally with - after all, they speak the language of men (instead of barking like dogs, bleating like sheep, or whatever sorts of noise barbarians make in order to communicate) and they understand how to bargain. Nonetheless, if you can get the weapons-cottars of the Tarshite king or the armed slaves of the Emperor, to fight your battles - why would Orlanth care?

>In a clan raid situation, I could see saying "that clan is not our

>kin", justifying being able to attack them without kinstrife, but
that clan

>IS kin when it comes to picking sides between them and the Lunars,
isn't it?

>They're Heortlings too.

So they're Heortlings - so what? It is not like there is a High King of the Heortlings whom we all recognize as Orlanth's chief man amongst men. Besides, that other clan would only have cut a deal with foreigners if only they were as smart, rich, powerful, desperate as we are.


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