Re: Hero Points (was Re: Fiends and Cacodemon)

From: Kevin Blackburn <kevin_at_...>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 19:19:05 +0100

In article <d4d80r+f3l1_at_...>, Mark Galeotti <mark_at_...> writes
>Something that I find interesting in this discussion is the assumption
>that all or most HP end up used for character improvement. In our
>gaming group, we tend to burn through most carrying out ridicously over-
>the-top heroics. Obviously there's no right way, but I'd be interested
>in getting a wider sense of the balance between wastrels such as us
>(who thus advance rather slowly) and hoarders who keep as many as they
>can for buying up their abilities. A purely unscientific estimate is
>that about 20% of HP earned in our group and spent on advancement. What
>kind of ratios do other groups have?
>All the best

Normal rate is perhaps 1HP/PC/Session of 4-6hours used for bumps, which session is likely to net them 6HP. Not unusual for it to be one key player spending more, others not doing so - e.g. the primary lead on a Hero Quest is likely to spend more.

Just occasionally there is a deliberate "we're out of our depth, but still have to succeed, so we expect to burn lots of HP's". This often occurs when players have been resorting to lateral thinking hugely divergent from where I expect them to go, or when something has initially gone horribly wrong (far too wrong for a bump to correct).

Kevin Blackburn                         Kevin_at_...

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