Re: Why the Ducks *will* win

From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_...>
Date: Sun, 22 May 2005 17:11:27 -0000

> Ducks elsewhere in Prax seem unlikely to me. Desert. Ducks. Not
quite their
> prefered environment. Maybe a few sploshing around in oases?

You could have Desert Durulz, a sub-race of turban'd Sand Waders who had long ago adapted to the trackless wastes. Perhaps they were from before... [I-know-bugger-all-about-Prax-and-am-going-to-indulge-in- hand-waving-mumbling]... and are the lost remnants.

The weight-spreading flipper is ideally suited to many of the more dangerous arid surfaces, and the bill can expertly burrow beneath the surface to nab fauna trying to cool itself.

A hithero undiscovered tribe of duck Nasobeme riders? Maybe they are supremely 'ard fanatics, prize water, live in hidden settlements, wear strange smelly clothes that collect bodily effusions, and prophesy a return to lush greatness in the Wastes?


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