Re: Hendreiki Kings

From: Joerg Baumgartner <joe_at_...>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 17:52:50 +0200 (CEST)

Peter Metcalfe defends my own story against me:

>>> Which invalidates a suggestion about King Owain's death in what >>> way?

>>Talking to Greg and being persuaded that this didn't happen in his
>>Glorantha did that for me. Can't remember whether it was the story or
>>just the oodles of misfitting details.

> All I can say is that in a Country in which the Pharaonic avatar
> is chosen through success in the tournament of the Masters of
> Luck and Death, it would be extremely odd for one of the Twelve
> _not_ to use heroquesting in response to a political crisis or
> another.

Full agreement here. Death on a "practice" heroquest while the hero plane is in disorder or even chaos seemed a likely cause for a demise. Whether the choice of a Lightbringers' Questlet was appropriate is another matter, but at the time of writing the story that was about the only quest I had information about.

I think that in Greg's game the King of Heortland died before the Tournament. I seem to recall that Rik(/ch)ard was one of the participants (among the final 12).

>>Back in 1994/1997 my working assumption was that the Hendreiki had >>Vingkotling royal lineages similar to the Sartar dynasty.

> I'm a bit confused about Broyan not being a Vingkotling royal
> lineage despite being so gung-ho vingkot in almost every other
> way.

He's a bit in the same position Vingkot was: he had to carve his position. Vingkot was a bastard son of the Storm King, with lots of Thunder Brothers to contest for leadership. I suppose Broyan has one half of a royal lineage, too - but then, who hasn't, or at least cannot prove it (Argrath...).

However: how did the Andrinic kings appoint their heirs? Did they have a dynasty by bloodline, by membership in a heroband (the Sheriffs of the Kingdom, as a successor to the real Larnsti), or what?

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