Re: Re: Winter Animist Practice or Tradition

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 22:31:19 -0400

Jane (as is often the case) has a useful line of thought.

On Mon, 2005-20-06 at 23:24 +0100, Jane Williams wrote:

> Surely what we need to look at here is what is most
> useful for gaming?


> And players of either animist nor
> theistic PCs will prefer to avoid the "misapplied
> worhsip" penalties - or at least, to have the option
> of avoiding them. So, for maximum gaming pleasure,
> they are two different entities who are often
> confused. Maybe there were twin sisters who had to
> make the same choice as Yinkin, and one chose each
> way? Make it triplets and have one be a Saint if you
> like!

I'd probably avoid the triplet things, although I'm not sure of Malkioni influences in the area that may or may not justify such a thing.

But given that virtually every major natural phenomenon (the sun, the winter, the dark, the mountain, the river) is going to have at least a God and a Spirit associated with it, this seems a plausible solution.


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