Re: Re: Winter Animist Practice or Tradition

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 17:43:43 +1200

At 12:00 AM 6/21/2005 +0100, you wrote:

>--- Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
> > >There may have been
> > >heroquests to prove it, one way or the other, but
> > >there've been HQs to try that with Yelmalio/Elmal,
> > > and look at the mess there!

> > What heroquests have there been to prove Yelmalio
> > is Elmal and vice-versa?

>You seriously think these things have detailed
>documentation (that any of the participants will admit
>to)? Monrogh.

He wasn't heroquesting to prove anything of the sort but to find a way out of the strife between conservative Orlanthi and Yelmizing Elmali.

>Everyone and their alynx in the Far Place.

Again they did nothing of the sort. They worshipped Yelmalio long before they arrived in the Far Place and know that he's different from Elmal.

> Assorted other Yelmalio confusions in Sun
>County (the real one, not the Sartar imitation).

Nobody heroquested to prove that Yelmalio was Elmal there. Since its foundation, they've always worshipped Yelmalio.

>Then there's Elvish Yelmalio, who may
>or may not be related to the human one, and Praxian
>Yelmalio, ditto.... its a mess!

The Praxian Yelmalio is a spirit called Sun Hawk. Nobody has heroquested to prove that Sun Hawk and Yelmalio are the one and the same. The Aldryami Halamalao is Yelmalio but only Elf-Friends actually care about this.

--Peter Metcalfe

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